Program of Work
The Chamber - Program of Work 2025
alignsThe Chamber's program of work identifies our business objectives, the projects, and the teams that support them and aligns these objectives to fall under the three parts of our Mission which is to serve, promote, and enhance the economic success of our members. The POW is updated annually at the Board of Directors Strategic Planning Meeting.
Awards Banquet (Annually) – Special luncheon to honor businesses and individuals of the year.
Biz Budz (Monthly) – Pairing a seasoned Member with a new Member/First-time visitor; to sit with, and provide info and introductions to other Members.
Vol. Leader: J. Davenport
Ambassador Committee (Monthly)
A volunteer committee of Members who serve as a link between the Chamber and members. They assist in Chamber events.
Bd Liaison: Amie Reynolds
Staff Liaison: Lauren Dalton
Chair: Ronnie Schilling
Total Resource Campaign (Annually)
A “menu” pricing of available sponsorships for the Chamber’s yearly events.
Chamber Luncheons (Monthly)
Gathering with food to inform, educate, and provide a networking opportunity for members. RSVP & payment for lunch is required.
EPIC Education (Quarterly) – seminars that provide training, education, and information on business trends that are current.
EPIC Mentor Board (Monthly) – A team of 8 business professionals with experience in finance, human resources, fundraising, marketing, networking, and business organization who mentor one business Member for a 3 month period, focusing on challenges they are having in business and possible solutions.
Leadership CORE Program (Annually)
A 7-month program involving visits and interaction with local government, education, and business leaders.
Coffee at The Chamber (Monthly)
Last Friday of the month, 7:30-9:00 am, free coffee and snacks provided by Member sponsors to network in a relaxed atmosphere.
CHAMP Committee (Monthly)
Last Tuesday of the month, 8:30-9:30 am meeting to assist The Chamber in accessing, restructuring, and improving current programs.
Bd Liaison: Cody Wheeler
Staff Liaison: Kelly Iuffredo
Chair: Leah Godfredson
Ribbon Cutting/Plaque Presentation
A public ceremony to introduce new Members.
Chamber Connection (Bi-Monthly)
Information, advocacy, and updates are emailed to Members.
Chamber Mixers
Quarterly after-hours event sponsored by 3 business Members for networking.
Business Directory/Visitor’s Guide: Yearly publication that lists businesses, information, history, and events.
Visitor Centers (Schertz & Selma Offices): Promotion of the Cities of Schertz, Selma, and area attractions.
Relocation Packets: Information mailed out to potential residents.
Welcome Bags
Promo bag filled with assorted marketing items of members.
Young professional group for ages 21-40 years that provides education, mentorship, and connection.
Board Liaison: Debra John
Staff Liaison: Kristi-Ann Gustin
Chair: Brandee Zukowski
Annual Events
Health & Home Show: This event showcases our wellness businesses in both body and home.
Casino Night: an annual networking event for members with an annual costume theme.
Chamber Open: Golf Tournament for networking and raising funds for the Chamber.
Chamber Bowl: fundraising bowling event benefitting the DECA programs of Steele and Clemens High Schools.
RE/MAX Skylight Balloon Fest: 2-day event featuring a carnival, music, food, and hot air balloons.
Organization Review
Revenue Growth: Funding/support of the Chamber through programs, events, dues, and stewardship.
Audit/Review: Yearly or biennial process of professional reviewing of the financial systems of The Chamber for compliance.
Strategic Planning
Staff & Board Development: Strategic planning meetings and continued education to develop staff and Board for the benefit of the Membership.
Project Graduation: Donation to the graduating senior classes at Clemens and Steele H.S. to aid in a safe graduation party.
Community Advisory Committee: Business owners, alumni, and civic leaders supply input, comments, and guidance for the SCUCISD.
Military Affairs Committee “M.A.C.” (Monthly): Bridge integration between transitioning military personnel into civilian commerce. Monthly and Annual events include the Hidden Hero & Veterans Plaza Ceremony
Bd Liaison: Carmal Terrell
Staff Liaison: Lydia Schultes
Chair: Stephanie Turner
City Council Meetings (Weekly): Schertz - 1st, and 3rd Tuesdays at 6 pm; Cibolo - 2nd & 4th Tuesdays at 6:30 pm; and Selma - every 2nd Thursday at 6:30 pm.
EDC - Schertz & Cibolo Meetings (Monthly): monthly meetings on current economic happenings and needs between the President and EDC city directors.
TAB/TCCE/CCCE/U.S. Chamber of Commerce Membership (Annual Memberships): To keep updated and informed in matters of Chamber, Advocacy, and Business.
Northeast Partnership Meeting (Monthly): Monthly gathering of 13 local city mayors and officials to discuss issues within their cities.
City Managers Meeting (Quarterly): Quarterly meeting between The Chamber President and City Managers of Schertz, Selma, and Cibolo.
Civic Leaders Luncheon: Fall luncheon featuring the candidates running for city, county, school district, and/or GVSUD offices. Meet and greet with brief introductions on candidate platforms and one-on-one Q&A.